Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Stormy Nights

Rained like maniacs last night. I bailed out of the cabin, and headed for the cottage couch, where there was at least electricity to read the storm out by. Just me and Nero Wolfe, all cuddled up together in a blankie. Suddenly, all was silence, like a door softly closed. The eye of the storm, then, the other side of it again. Finally, I drifted off to slumberland around 3 o'clock. Today there were big gouges in Grey Owl Road. I have never experienced a storm as potent and long as the one last night. Today was sunny and hot and breezy. You would never know there was thunder and lightning and torrents of rain, just a few hours ago.

I tried to upload a photo of the paddleboat, completely filled with water, but it's taking forever. Not sure if it's the library computer or the Blogger site. These computers! Always throwing you for a loop.

Cheerio, Jacquie


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