Thursday, July 27, 2006

rain rain go away....

OK, it's been a little damp here lately. I've been spending quite a bit of time bailing out boats, and getting rained on. The paddleboat was completely filled again yesterday, as well as Harrison't boat, oars floating in the bottom, and our metal boat. Bailing and bailing. Here, hopefully is the picture I tried to upload last time. Sunny and hot today again, and me in town all day doing errands! Timing is everything, as they say,

Cheers, Jacquie

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Stormy Nights

Rained like maniacs last night. I bailed out of the cabin, and headed for the cottage couch, where there was at least electricity to read the storm out by. Just me and Nero Wolfe, all cuddled up together in a blankie. Suddenly, all was silence, like a door softly closed. The eye of the storm, then, the other side of it again. Finally, I drifted off to slumberland around 3 o'clock. Today there were big gouges in Grey Owl Road. I have never experienced a storm as potent and long as the one last night. Today was sunny and hot and breezy. You would never know there was thunder and lightning and torrents of rain, just a few hours ago.

I tried to upload a photo of the paddleboat, completely filled with water, but it's taking forever. Not sure if it's the library computer or the Blogger site. These computers! Always throwing you for a loop.

Cheerio, Jacquie

Monday, July 17, 2006

It's a little hot

It is hot hot-hot-here today, records are breaking like eggs and oozing all over the soft, melting pavement. Toronto is 33' with the humidex taking it up to 40'. I am glad to be at the lake. There's a stiff breeze off the water, cooling the world off. Later, when it calms, I will take my evening swim. The sun is dazzling bright, and the living is easy.

Tomorrow I start the publicity for my summer writing groups in Parry Sound. The first session is next Monday. Hope someone registers.

Life is steady and quiet here. The cottage is a half-hour drive from civilization (P. Snd.), although the McLellar library is only ten minutes by car, open four part days a week. So the internet is available in limited quantities. They built a new radio tower this spring, and we now have great cell-phone reception at the lake. Not everyone around here can say that. There is a general store in McK. too, so most things are available there, at hugely inflated prices, of course.

I was reading over my journals from Mexico this morning, looking for missing pieces for a story I'm working on, and what an interesting journey that was! I'm sure there's a body of work there, if I can just tease it out.

Cheerio, fans and friends,

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Well, I can't believe it's been so long since I posted. Gives you an idea how exciting my life is, here in the wilderness. I've had lots and lots of family time, and lots and lots of time in nature. I've seen lots and lots of wildlife: loons, osprey, cormorant, vultures, owl, woodpeckers, hummingbird, foxes, turtle, minnows, frogs, toads, dragonflies, all sizes and colours, mosquitos, in abundance, a horsefly bit me on the leg yesterday. Yes, life is exciting!

The weather has finally turned very hot, and I am heading for the lake for a swim with my nephew Cal this afternoon. That is the type of thing that takes genuine priority over blogging.


