Monday, January 30, 2006

Ciao Babies

I'm eating dinner right now: frozen pizza on a paper plate, diet coke with lime in a plastic cup, and for dessert- chocolate, of course!
Real chocolate.

To do:

- finish sorting travel papers
- take SOS pads to oven racks (wait until oven is cool)
- wash kitchen and nook floor
- vaccuum
- call Michelle re: carper cleaners
- put desk out on street
- pack

My internet is being shut off tomorrow, early, so this is the last blogcast from Craig Street.
My on line writing class starts tonight, but I think I'll save it for my transfers in Vancouver and in Denver.

I am exhasted. And I am blown away by how many people have helped me get ready to go. And wished me well, and cared. You don't know what you got til it's gone, and in this case, it's all about community. Who knew I had all this?

Tomorrow I get on plane and fly into the future. Hastal la vista, Nanaimo! You will always be in my heart.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Moving Day

It is about 5 o'clock in the evening, and moving has been achieved. I had an amazing crew of ten movers: Jessica, Jan, Sandy, Bill, Stephanie, Brandon, Joanne, Cathie, Jim and Michelle. Needless to say, well, needless to say if you were here helping me, the weather did not co-operate! Never get a wetter, more blustier day than the one we had today. It sucked, but it all got done, and you who showed up to help are fantastic human beings and have gained much merit for your actions!
I still have to replace some of the light fixtures tonight, and tomorrow will be a full day of running around. And cleaning. But I will be ready to go Tuesday morning.
It is a huge relief to be on this side of the moving experience.
There's something about empty rooms that makes me feel peaceful.
It's a good feeling.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Anxiety Attack!

Well. I had an anxiety attack last night. Hyperventilating, felt like throwing up, intense emotional fear. Full on. Glad I got that out of my system. Still a bit fragile this morning, but I know that with the help of my friends, everything will get done. Bridgette came over and we got the back bedroom finished. After she left, I puttered on until I couldn't stand up any longer. Laying in bed last night, my muscles were trembling with fatigue. Dreamt terrorist dreams, but not bad ones. This morning Sandy D. is coming over to help, and Tai this afternoon. You guys are saving my butt. I can't say thank you loud enough. Tomorrow is moving day. I am beyond emotion at this point. Cannot say how glad I will be to be on the plane, the preparation complete, the adventure all ahead of me.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Revised Master "No Need to Panic" List

- check lottery tickets
- do not spend hours blog-surfing
- do not spend hours reading Nick Hornby How to be Good
- call Kathy re: car storage
- get ride to insurance office for car insurance
- replace light fixtures
- return library books
- photocopy all travel documents
- finsh cleaning
- finish packing
- finish income tax and mail
- pack for trip
- hair appt. 12:00 tomorrow
- call Cathie re: lunch tomorrow
- call Tai for help tomorrow
- last calls to Mum and Dad, Joe and Al
- Call Jim S, re: see if he can round up a couple more guys to help move
- move: Sunday 1:00, 1:30.
- Ycha?
- Michelle Monday?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

What my world looks like today

Should I be panic? I should panic.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

why I'm not funnier

If you want to help me move on Sunday, let me know and I'll tell you how to find my place. So far we have about 5 of us. Half-way to my goal of 10 people. Also, two trucks and a van. Pedestrians and walk-ins are welcome to attend, no extra charge! I can even probably arrange a ride for you, if you let me know you need one.

So I was listening to a woman share at the meeting tonight, and she was really quite funny. Why aren't I funnier, I asked myself? I wish I was, I guess along with almost everybody else who's not. Funny.

Well I figured it out, and I don't think there was enough hardship in my family growing up to produce a sense of humour. It takes a lot of suffering to produce a great sense of humour. So Mum, Dad, I'm blaming this one on you.

Just so we all know who's responsible for what.

Love you all, , or, as they say in Texas, love y'all. At least I think they say that in Texas...

Cheers, Jacquie.

Monday, January 23, 2006

because I can

Yep, I voted today. I love voting. Hate politics, but love to go to the rec center, or the church, and exercise my democratic right. I always feel fortunate to live in a country where I can vote. And righteous.

Re Sunday, I have 3 people signed up to help. Hope more of you can come out! Remember your Karma! Help a friend in need and get double points.

Ciao, Jacquie

Sunday, January 22, 2006

In case you forget what I look like:

What are you doing next Sunday afternoon?

Hey friends, guess what? I'm moving!

That means I need help!

I'm beyond professional help, I know, but if you have an hour to spare, and a healthy back, you are invited to take a load of boxes out to my storage locker.
My strategy is to get lots of people, and then it's only a little work for everyone.
I don't have a lot of stuff, no appliances, no pianos. Probably the biggest, heaviest things are my bed and some shelves. The rest I am packing in small not too heavy boxes.

So send me a comment and let me know you will help. I can't do this alone.
Aren't you glad you tuned in to read my blog today?

Moving Date: Sunday January 29
Time: 1:00 pm, or come right after the rally and transform all that good
energy into good work!

I will leave you something fabulous in my will!
Seriously though, you will accumulate merit!
And my long-term gratitude.

Cheers, Jacquie

Friday, January 20, 2006

10 Days and Counting

The count down is ON. I have 10 days to get everything done to go. Yikes! I fly out of Nanaimo on the 31st, for Austin Texas. Then, after visiting with my sister there for about a week I fly to Leon airport, near San Miguel de Allende in Mexico.

The general plan is to spend a couple months in the SMA area, then head back to the Island to touch base and re-connect here, probably in May. Then I get in my car and drive to Ontario to spend the summer camping out at the cottage and hanging with my family there.

We are in the land of lists. I have a main list, sub lists, extra lists, to do today list, to do tomorrow list- that's the one I do so I can get to sleep at night. I have so many lists I can't keep track of them. It's a little out of control. I don't seem to be getting a whole lot done, aside from making lists, but somehow I know it will all come together at the end.

I don't know too much about blogging yet, but it seems like a good idea how to let you all live vicariously through my adventures. Will try to make it interesting, but feel free to skip the boring parts.

I feel incredibly lucky, and grateful, to have this opportunity to just hang out for a while. It's exciting to have gotten out of that 9-5 box for a while at least, and to have my whole future a big open ocean out in front of me.

So basicly, this week I am packing and getting most of the administrative details taken care of. This is just like moving, except instead of the unpacking part, everything's going into storage and I am going on walkabout.

I haven't arranged transportation yet from Leon to SMA, or a place to stay there. Every time I commit to a travel arrangement, I feel a lot of anxiety, so just I procrastinate. But this is for sure not nearly the amount of anxiety I would feel getting off the plane in Leon and trying to figure it out from there!

This afternoon I visited with my friend Jessica, and I got to tell her how sad I am feeling today, leaving everybody behind. I don't know what the future holds for me, whether I will come back to this area to live, or end up somewhere else. I am open to what the world has to offer me. She held my hands, and I put my head on her gentle shoulder and cried. She breathed, and let me be with her, with my feelings. It was a precious moment.